Call for quotations - Design and supervision of the “Naye Thit” project’s M&E device

CFI is looking for a service provider capable of designing the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system for the “Naye Thit" project and to advise the Project team in its implementation.

“Naye Thit” Project aims to meet some of the needs of Burmese media, journalists and civil society organizations (CSOs) operating in their country or abroad, engaged in the production and dissemination of information about the actual Burmese situation. The Project wishes to offer them both tools for development and protection, financial support for structuring, and capacity building in order to continue to offer quality information and thus contribute to the return of democracy. It also aims to allow these media to access the international information market by recalling the best practices, ethical rules and red lines of the profession. Finally, it aims to support Burmese CSOs to develop their skills in citizen journalism, so that they take full part in the creation and dissemination of reliable and verified information and working more closely with journalists and professional media.

In order to build the M&E system, the Service Provider will perform the following services in five phases:

1. An analysis phase of the logical framework, its components, activities, results and indicators, as well as a study of the project’s success conditions and risks.

2. A design phase of the Project’s M&E system

3. A phase of proposal and development of tools allowing the collection of data to feed the indicators selected in the M&E system

4. A training phase for the Project Manager and its coordinators on the understanding and use of the M&E system and its collection tools

5. An advising phase for the Project Manager and the project team throughout the project

This Call for quotations does not constitute a promise of award of the future contract to any applicant company.

You can send your questions and/or your application file to the following address: with the subject line “Naye Thit – M&E system”.

August 16th 2023 at 6:00 pm (GMT+01:00 Paris, Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid)
To the attention of
Submission by e-mail