Mobile journalism for public communicators

Mobile journalism for public communicators

The first mobile journalism training for public communicators from the Presidency of the Government and various ministries took place in two phases, from 12–14 December (3 days) and 27–28 December (2 days).

This practical training was held at the (CAPJC), Centre Africain de Perfectionnement des Journalistes et Communicateurs (African Centre for the Training of Journalists and Communicators), with the aim of enhancing the audiovisual skills of communications officers to enable them to produce video content simply using their smartphones.
The training was given by two instructors, Mohamed El Ahmadi and Mabrouka Khedir.

The content of the training was varied, encompassing both theory and practical exercises. The participants were first taken through the theoretical foundations of using their mobile phones for recording, with sessions on capturing images and techniques for filming both indoors and outside.

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Secondly, the instructors focused on simple but efficient applications for editing video clips on mobile phones. The workshop also provided an opportunity to learn techniques for reporting using mobile phones, and how to report efficiently using images.

This training was part of a set of sessions planned for 2023 for communications officers within Tunisian government ministries, in aim of improving public communication and access to information for Tunisian citizens.

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