Strengthening News Gathering and Verification Journalist Skills

Strengthening News Gathering and Verification Journalist Skills

Seventeen journalists from Jordan, Syria, and Palestine participated in a training session to strengthen journalists' news gathering and verification skills. This training, organized as part of the Qudra 2 project, CFI and Al Jazeera Media Institute, took place from February 17 to 21, 2023, in Amman.

The sessions covered handling anonymous information sources, photo and video verification, and geolocation. The importance of satellite imagery and its origins was also discussed, providing a better understanding of how to analyze visual content. The participants learned the importance of identifying different types of open-source information online, conducting thorough research, using advanced verification tools, and following the steps necessary to research available sources.

Practical exercises were incorporated to make the training even more interactive and engaging. Journalists were asked to identify and verify fake news about Syrians using the verification tools taught during the training. This training allowed them to practice their new skills and showed the importance of reasonable news verification in today's digital age.

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