Giving Young Palestinian Women a Voice

Giving Young Palestinian Women a Voice

Led by Shoruq, Raising Youth Voices is a project for young women aged 16 to 20 in the Dheisheh Refugee Camp, south of Bethlehem.

Raising Youth Voices shares stories from day-to-day life and highlights the challenges faced by women in this region. The young women are introduced to the use of different media materials and techniques (creation of synopses, video production, etc.), to enable them to produce their own content.

The training courses offered allow a fun and educational approach to issues that are sometimes sensitive to cover. Thus, fourteen young women recently took part in an introductory training course in rap writing, at the end of which two pieces were recorded. This was a way for them to raise issues that concern them through the medium of music. The young women participating in these training courses are interested in women's issues as a priority and the challenges they face in their daily lives, in the current social and political context of Palestine.

All of the output produced within the framework of these training courses is shared on the RYV project platform and highlighted on Shoruq platform, making it possible to disseminate them to a large audience and to carry the voice of these women beyond the Palestinian border.

Raising Youth Voices is one of the 18 projects that were selected and has been receiving support from D-Jil since 2018. What these ambitious and innovative projects have in common is a desire to do things differently and to open up new perspectives for young people in the Arab world through topics that affect and concern them.

Cofinancé par l' Union européenne et porté par CFI, en partenariat avec la Fondation Samir Kassir (Liban), FMAS (Maroc), IREX Europe (France) et Leaders of Tomorrow (Jordanie), D-JIL contribue à la citoyenneté active et à l'autonomie des jeunes de neuf pays du monde arabe, en utilisant comme vecteur les médias en ligne.

Co-financed by the European Union and supported by CFI, in partnership with the Fondation Samir Kassir, FMAS, IREX Europe and Leaders of Tomorrow, D-JIL fosters active citizenship and autonomy in young people in nine Arab world countries, using online media as a vehicle.

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